The futuristic world of Blade Runner comes to VR There’s a new Blade Runner movie coming, so why not check out a VR movie tie-in based in the future? July 26, 2017
Logitech’s latest gaming headphones are made for real life, too Headphones made for gaming aren't always the most stylish, and for some reason they're disconnected. Not so with… July 11, 2017
Sony revisits social gaming with PS4, phone connection We’ve all heard of social media, but what about social gaming and social entertainment? That’s what Sony is… July 9, 2017
Star Trek VR takes your voice commands with IBM’s Watson The future where a computer listens to your voice and does what you say isn’t just limited to Siri and… June 25, 2017
Logitech’s gaming mice go cordless for charging, use A mouse that charges itself while you use it on a mouse-pad? Yep, it's a thing, and Logitech has worked out how… June 21, 2017
Dell, Alienware uses E3 as the place to push VR gear That whole VR thing isn't going away, at least not this time, and Dell will be pushing the gaming and VR… June 19, 2017
Microsoft announces the $649 Xbox One X as fastest console yet Do you want 4K gaming at fast frame rates and support for 4K Blu-ray discs? You'll find it in a new gaming… June 12, 2017
Sony’s PS4 sees gold, silver with new colours If you like a bit of bling on your video game console, the latest PlayStation limited editions could be up your alley. June 10, 2017
Intel announces Core X: desktop chips made for VR, gaming, content creation Computers get faster all the time, but this week new chips have been announced from Intel, and wow, do they aim… May 31, 2017
Xbox dishes up an entertainment buffet with Game Pass Buying video games has never been all that economical in this country, but Microsoft could be helping move… May 26, 2017