Pickr 2019 Holiday Gift Guide: Inventors If you know someone who likes to tinker or maybe wants to be the next IT genius, this list can help inventors,… December 3, 2019
Sphero’s programmable RVR drives to Australia There's no new BB-8, BB-9, or R2D2 this year, but Sphero does have something pretty cool releasing this month. October 23, 2019
Sphero, LittleBits come together for kids and coding Two companies focused on teaching kids the importance of science, technology, and engineering are coming… August 24, 2019
UBTech builds an Iron Man you can own, control It's doubtful you'll ever get your own Iron Man suit, but if you want an Iron Man to control, you can make that happen. April 29, 2019
Sphero combines the robot with the car for RVR Sphero's take on the robot has largely been spherical, but for its next droid, it's building something made for… March 7, 2019
Pickr 2018 Holiday Gift Guide: Inventors If you know someone who has a passion to make and code, and who is getting into STEM -- that is Science,… December 6, 2018
UBTech’s TruckBots are STEM-focused movers We've seen rolling robots and moving robots, but now there's also sand moving robots, as UBTech gets kids… October 4, 2018
Sphero’s Bolt brings light, colour to coding for kids There isn't a new Star Wars robot this year, but Sphero has something better: a robotic ball that not only helps… September 11, 2018
Anki connects robots with personality in Vector We're not at the point in our lives where robots are doing your housework for you, but with the addition of AI,… August 13, 2018
Sphero’s Star Wars droids can talk through “The Last Jedi” One of the coolest tricks of the Star Wars droids has been rolled out to the latest Star Wars film, and that… April 5, 2018