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Australian technology news, reviews, and guides to help you

Ember warms drinks to go with rechargeable travel mug

The colder months are properly here, but if you’re looking for a gadget fix, a rechargeable travel mug is one way to deal with it.

As the cold rain falls on another East Coast day in June, there’s a reminder that the colder months signalling winter are practically here. Whether you believe winter starts at the solstice or the beginning of the month, your skin will feel the change beckoning you for warmer clothes almost immediately.

A sweater and jacket are some of the ways you can combat the cold, but a warm drink is easily another, heating you from the inside while you savour the flavour of something you love.

The problem with cups, however, is that they eventually lose that warmth over time. Travel mugs can help, but they too can lose warmth.

Fortunately, technology to the rescue as a compact heating element arrives in a travel mug of sorts.

That’s what Ember is rolling out in the Smart Travel Mug 2+, a 354ml mug — yes, we’re writing about a mug — that comes with a heating element and LED screen, both of which come together to let you set a temperature from 50°C to 62.5°C, or in other words: hot. It’s a follow-up from the company’s launch of smart mugs last year, providing something a little less desk bound.

The temperature can also be adjusted using an app on iPhone and Android, because if you can’t control a mug’s temperature with your phone, what good is it?

Ember’s app will also give you a notification when the mug has reached the temperature you want, and there’s also support for Apple’s FindMy network, making it similar to the Apple AirTag. It means if you leave your Travel Mug somewhere, you should be able to find where you last left it, provided you use a Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

In terms of just how long you can expect the Travel Mug 2+ to run for, expect the heating element to run for up to three hours, with a charging coaster bringing that battery back to life.

Australians can expect to part with $299 to grab an Ember Smart Travel Mug 2+, with the gadget arriving at JB HiFi, Ember’s online store, and other local retailers shortly.

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