You might not be game to visit a museum exhibition at the moment, but at least one museum is trying to bring the exhibition to you. Virtually, anyway.
Visiting museums isn’t happening the way it used to be at the moment, and you probably know what’s to blame. Much of the year’s frustrations can be taken out on the coronavirus, and how it has affected everything, with visiting museums very much on that list.
So many exhibits are closed or require small bookings, and that’s changing the way these places get their exhibits seen by the world. While tourism appears to be more or less at a standstill, locals can still some exploration, though you’ll likely need to book a time slot at a museum and exhibit of your choice.
However the online world is one place where time slots needn’t apply. It’s a place where, provided the right approach is delivered, people can explore exhibits on their own time, viewing a virtual museum whenever they like.
Online museums don’t always deliver the same experience for every museum, as not every museum has embraced the online world in a virtual capacity, but there is at least one more Australian one for people to look through this week, as the Australian War Memorial in Canberra has joined the virtual world of sorts.
This week, it has launched an online initiative bringing 3D scans of 25 of its objects from the National Collection, making it possible for anyone to log on and see a virtual exhibit as an when they want, complete with details behind the object.
Each image has been scanned from every angle, creating a 3D object that can be viewed online via a web browser on a phone, tablet, or computer, providing access to exhibits found in real life at the Australian War Museum, but without needing to leave your home.
“It has never been more important for the Memorial to find innovative ways to engage new audiences online,” said Matt Anderson, Memorial Director for the Australian War Museum.
“The use of 3D technology gives people the chance to explore objects they normally don’t see in great detail, and understand the stories behind them,” he said.
“This online exhibition ensures that no matter where you are in Australia, or the world, you have access to the Memorial and its collection.”
The virtual collection includes items that have been a part of the museum’s collection previously, as well as some new items, including a camera from the First World War and an artificial leg from Changi, among other items.
In the beginning, 25 objects have been scanned for the Australian War Musuem’s virtual 3D Treasures exhibition, but the museum expects 25 more will be added over the coming year. Viewers can check out the exhibition online whenever they want at the Australian War Museum’s website.