How to learn new skills in self-isolation for free Need something to stay sane with? If you're spending time inside and tiring of movies or games, you might want… March 28, 2020
Osmo gets kids learning code with music There's no shortage of fun ways to get kids learning to code, but if music inspires them, Osmo's latest could… March 4, 2020
Apple gets students coding on macOS as Swift Playgrounds expands The creative coding concept that encourages kids to learn to code early is making the jump to another Apple device. February 14, 2020
Kids tech ruled at CES this year The biggest technology show to start the year offered up ideas for the grown-ups, but what about ideas for the… January 21, 2020
Pickr 2019 Holiday Gift Guide: Inventors If you know someone who likes to tinker or maybe wants to be the next IT genius, this list can help inventors,… December 3, 2019
Pickr 2019 Holiday Gift Guide: Kids Even though you probably have the Christmas list sorted for the little ones, if you need a bit of help, it's… December 2, 2019
Code Camp looks to get kids building games this December Australia's Code Camp is looking to get kids making games and introduce them to development in the space of an hour. November 23, 2019
Sphero, LittleBits come together for kids and coding Two companies focused on teaching kids the importance of science, technology, and engineering are coming… August 24, 2019
Raspberry Pi improves the tiny PC more in version four The tiny pocket computer is more interesting than it ever was at V4, updating the processor, memory, monitor… June 25, 2019
Carmen Sandiego comes to Google Earth Need a bit of a time waster today? Google might have one for you, with an online game that harks back to when… March 14, 2019